Monday, November 22, 2010

TPF-Wednesday 10th November 2010

The contestants are rehearsing their Sunday Gala show .As David from Uganda was rehearsing, someone passed right in front of the camera and hence a moving figure was seen causing a 2 second blackout on the screen.
There is yet another full view shot of all the contestants as they are rehearsing trying to get the words for their Sunday show.
I don’t know why but today they showed us a lot of backs; i.e. when holding conversations with each other. For example, when Steve, Gaga and Rachael were arguing, another instance was when Gaga was talking to David while seated on his lap. A final example is when Palek and Steve were talking by the kitchen counter.
Today’s show ended in a very sombre mood. As a result of their bad performance on the Sunday Gala night, the contestants were punished by being given porridge for breakfast and no beverages in the house except water.

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