This episode aired on the 10th of October brings out a common happening in our society. Drama is in Mwamba's family and it’s a case of a mistaken identity. A pregnancy test kit reading positive has been found in a dust bin that Charity claims to be from Alison's room. So everyone thinks Alison is pregnant. The truth is later on revealed when Mustapha says he picked the bin containing the test from Tina's room.
A wide shot of Alison’s house is brought up to show where the real drama is taking place from. An extremely close up shot of the pregnancy test kit is established and later on a close up shot of Charity is brought up. All the shots in this drama are well established. They all orient the audience through the various stages of the drama.
There exists various dolly-in and dolly-out of various objects. There is a dolly-in of Alison as she sits in shock after being asked by Charity if she is pregnant. A wipe is used to show transition as a dolly-out of Mustapha and Charity standing next to the fire place is established.
The lighting has well been done. The lighting of the various places bring out various moods. The outdoor lighting is well carried out as one is able to establish clearly between night and day.
Instrumental music has been used to bring up various moods in the house; i.e happiness, sadness e..t.c
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