Sunday, November 21, 2010


Now this trip was just amazing in its own special way. it all started with the "availability" of the bus. being the only day-scholar in our class i was very devasteted with the fact that i had to wait for everyone else at devki in the scorching sun while i woukld haver just boarded the bus as usual.
the trip however was very interesting when we actually got there though we had to wait for someone to come get us at the gate, but, i undertand protocal has to be followed.i particularly enjoyed when we got into the studio with edgar who was doing a show at idhaa ya taifa and may i say he is relly talented i think Daniell O dhiambo was very priviledged rto have met him and that he did the news headlines in kiswahili which was just AMAZING.
I also appreciated the fact that K.B.C are using the newest sytem in the industry right now and that just shows suiperb technological support on their side, thiogh it comes as an advantage of being supportedd by the gorvernment. For me theh most interesting time was when i was in the studio byt i have to say tthey have a really easy time when it comes to recording their shows. unlike us here at school, the hosts of the show just have to sit down talk inr=to the mic and the technological suppory inthe next room do the recording which to me is soo awesome because th work load is reduced.

after a goood time in th econtrol room and being shown how tyhe lights are controlled we headed to the digital broadcating room (and this is not he actual name the actual name is too long i have to say it several times to remember ) that room was fascinating with the way they have soo many television sets that show all the channells that are avialable in Kenya. We then finished with this room and then we had to leave but i have to say i was very happy with this trip becuse now i have gained the zeal to work really hard in th e effort of me finally getting into the industry.

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