Thursday, November 4, 2010

08-1499 (tpf4)

08-1499- TPF 4.

A critique of the Saturday eviction shows
The eviction show of this program is aired live on citizen television every Saturday night from 8: p.m to 9 p.m.

OCTOBER 30, 2010

The show was marked with colour as the contestants on probation repeated their reggae tunes. With the contestants, judges and teachers well positioned for the action, the event kicked off at .

Camera movements

There was a poor impression at the beginning when the camera was vividly shaking while tying to aim at the MC’S.
Other camera movements observed included:

• Panning-is used to give the viewer a panoramic view of a set or setting. This was evident at the beginning when the judges, teachers and audience were the point of focus.

Some of the camera shots included:
• close-up – most of the time only the judge’s faces were shown. At the end when the ones on probation were being called out, only their faces were shown.
• Cut in shots.. Shows some part of the subject in detail. Evident when doctor Mitch mentioned Gaelles shoes and the shoes became the point of focus.


The lighting was okay at first but in the last 10 minutes of the show there were shadows which made the mc Sheila appear bigger than she actually is.


The problem of echoes on sound was also experienced for sometime but was later solved.

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