This week's episode of Tahidi high was mainly based on the form 3's who have a problem understanding their physics and they are behind with the syllabus so they have to move fast so that they can finish. so they ahve to go for after class tutoring. it also revolved around Mr. Kilunda who is having problems at home and he needs money to solve them and is too proud to ask for a salary advance. When he goes to ask a fellow stuff member for money and finds out she is also in need of money herself because she has to pay for her daughter's tuition, he discovers he can also use the excuse of tuition to get students to pay up. he gives the form 3's a tough business studies exam containing topics they have not covered so that they can fail and they have to attend tuition after classes and at lunch hours. he tells them to pay up the normal tuition fee and as usual the program ends in suspense when Mr. Temo the schools principal finds out what Mr. Kilunda is up to.
the lighting was good. we saw close up shots in some scenes. i do feel though that this time there was no lesson for the young people to learn in this episode.
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