Thursday, October 14, 2010

Camera shot and movement

My critique today is going to be based on the shot of the program.
This week program was about the corruption and tribalism in the country, especially areas of employment. The job opportunities which are there will only be given to someone who is related to the boss if not the person person has got some influnec from a prominent person in the government.
When the program begins it show an establishing shot of the whole courts. Then after establishing the camera cut the Mr. Ondiek who is asked if he accepst the “mashtaka”. Under in this one the camera keeps on changing from one shot to another focusing in different areas of the court. Most of the shot in this program most of them are medium shot,and thing this is because of the setting of the court. So most of the focus on the upper part of the body. The long shots are taken using camera two,when taking the establishing of shot of the whole court. When the show ends they fade out which I think is good thing.
One thing I this program I was not a position to notice any camera movement.
For I think there is so much use of this medium shot so much. There can also use close up shot, to show the fascial expression of a person. Also they can use this shot to show the judge.


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