Friday, October 29, 2010

08-1499 critique TPF4.

08-1499- TPF 4.

A critique of the Saturday eviction shows
The eviction show of this program is aired live on citizen television every Saturday night from 8: p.m to 9 p.m.

October 23, 2010.

This memorable show saw the end of two contestants Prudence from Kenya and K-Denk from Southern Sudan in the academy. It was marked with vigor, splendor and tears. The show was appealing to the audience, both females and males. The target audience who are the people aged between 18-60 were greatly reached ( legal consumers of the product) The events that occurred were understandable and relatable. The four groups of characters i.e. judges, teachers, Mcs, contestants and audience all played their parts well while strongly relating to each other bringing out a storyline that links them together.

Throughout the program codeless cardioid microphones were used. The sound was clear with no echoes, however Judge  Herme’s microphone produced a lot of feedback at first with unclear sounds but with time the problem was corrected and the sound was clear. The speakers were well placed to produce adequate sound to all corners of the room and came out clear through the screens.


The lighting was okay throughout the program, with flashes of different colours on stage as the contestants perfomed. Sometimes contrasting colours were used to bring out the performance in style while at other times the background colours blended with the contestants dressing to make it appealing.

Camera shots.

Different types of camera shots were well executed, from all angles of the room.
·        Extreme wide shots - Were evident when the fore ground was Sjheila’s hair middle ground the contestant and the audience being the background.
·         Very wide shots -  Were evident especially when the main subject i.e the contestant was visible but at the same time the coordination of colour behind them was also emphasized.
·        Wide shots - Were executed especially when contestants were performing where they would take up the full frame.
·        Middle close-ups -The judges were executed using the middle close up, showing only their faces and part of their chest.
·        Close up - When Ian mentioned Steve’s nice shoes, only the shoes were shown.
·        Two shot - When the two contestants to be evicted were the only ones on the screen.
·        Over the shoulder shot- When Sheila was talking to contestants back stage and all that could be seen was sheila’s hair, part of her shoulders and the whole front of the contestant.
·        Extreme close-up - When Prudence was crying because of the eviction , only her tearing eyes were shown.

Other camera movements included. Panning across the audience and contestants, the cameraman was once seen dolling across the stage.

The camera angles included

·        Eye-Level -being the real-world angle that we are all used to. It shows subjects as we would expect to see them in real life. High Angle

·        A high angle- shows the subject from above, i.e. the camera is angled down towards the subject-

·        Low Angle- This shows the subject from below, giving them the impression of being more powerful or dominant.

·        Bird's Eye -The scene is shown from directly above. This is a completely different and somewhat unnatural point of view which can be used for dramatic effect or for showing a different spatial perspective.

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