Friday, February 4, 2011

my reflective habits on the 1st of Feb 2011

sharon kithinji(10-1155)
the class began on quite a high note, we learnt one of the good qualities of a good communicator when were playing the game of a broken telephone line.the messages were distorted even before getting halfway the circle, something that got me thinking:we all have noise around us. could be internal or external, which hinders us from being good listeners.It then made me learn that one has to fully engage themselves in whatever is being said for them to get it well.we should learn to be both good listeners and hearers.
seriously, we need to read prior to the class,or else during class, we will be lost on the way.the fact that i had not read the assigned class reading for the week made me almost 'flloat'when the class was in progress, since one was required to have a rough idea of what was to be taught.Read prior to class.this was an emphasy.
the console i thought was one of the complicated machines i have to handle.getting all those parts and their funtions seemed impractical. I however commend the facilitators because the did their best to ensure that everyone had an idea of the whole thing.
critical thinking is a part of us and is here to stay.The idea of hinting us on something and then letting us think of what it could be was a brilliant one but i felt that leaving blanks for us to fill would have worked better.'intelligent guessing' it is called. With all that was said and done, it is congratulations to the facilitators.

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