Program Critique.
Claire Kariuki.
The Wedding Show
This is an aspiration show, with reality show elements. Weddings are big in the Kenyan society and the show connects across all demographics.
It guarantees high viewer ship numbers due to the entertainment value, prime-time slotting and heavy promotion of the show. It is new opportunity for your brands to be show-cased.
It features the style focusing on the salient details of; the mood, the look and feel, the gown and tuxedos, the themes, color schemes, fashion for bridal party and guests, food, guest’s behavior, behind the scenes, the miss-haps and lots of interesting elements for the viewers at home. It’s aired every Sunday between 6& 7 pm and is hosted by Noni Gathoni.
However it has a negative impact on many viewers. Today weddings have been made all about show biz and the sense of a holy matrimony has been lost. The types of cars, wedding gowns, venues, and wedding rings have really become a bone of contention depending on their prices and where they were bought.
The wedding was between typical Kenyans that is, luo and Kikukyu couples.
First of all in terms of culture I feel that the luo culture was made to look more fun than the kikuyu the camera man concentrated so much on the luo dance than the kikuyu which was aired for a very short time. The angles of the camera in the church were quite as the zooming could be noticed quite well however the lighting was very good as it complemented the mood. When it came to interviewing people about their choice of dressing the noise from the background was quite loud causing the interviewee to shout.
Show: 2
I quite liked the show it was a Scottish man and a Meru lady. The Scottish man did not have the usual wedding suite instead he was in a skirt that is, the red checked skirts they wear. This was very interesting to view. The camera was always getting zoomed towards this couple and the made the film very colorful. Noni, the host was very impressed by the couple and and she had still photos taken which looked very good as the rule of thirds was applied. She had the lavaliere microphone which helps her mingle comfortably through out the wedding and when she is pointing out to a unique fashion, the cake and so on.
Show: 3
Atleast this time the wedding was out of Nairobi. It was in Ethiopia where a Kenyan man married a lady from Ethiopia. Her wedding gown was very unique and chic. They had a lot of rituals involved and the camera skills were very and also the lighting. This brought out the different style of make up and décor very well and one could see there was a lot of good dolly in & out. Even during the open of the champagne the bottle pop that made some wine spill on the camera did not cause unexplained movement of the camera
Show 4:
This wedding was a traditional kikuyu wedding and was worth watching. The couple had traditional gowns as well as the bride’s maids and grooms men. A lot of photos were taken and since the sun was very bright there was no flash being used. This made the photos they show on screen after the wedding look very nice and properly balance d in terms of light.
In conclusion, proper use of camera techniques make a place or the people look very nice and colorful. Lighting if well done only makes this better. Therefore as future journalists we should ensure we are perfect on this art to enhance good film production.
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